Buffalo Township Planning Commission
Ted Stubenbordt, Chairman
- 724-255-3691 - Cell
- PlanningCommission@buffalotwp.com
Jim Powell – Treasurer
Donald Lachman – Secretary
Chet Krcil
James W. Arbore, Jr.
Code Enforcement Officer
Brandy Simonelli, Code Technician
Harshman CE Group
- 2455 Park Avenue Washington, PA 15301
- 724-993-4505
- 724-825-1247 - Cell
- brandy@HarshmanLLC.com
All complaints must be in writing in order for further investigation to occur.
Code Enforcement Officer will be patrolling the Township for violations (8) hours per month.
Dog License
Tom Flickinger
Washington County
- 95 West Beau Street, Suite 130 Washington, PA 15301
- www.doglicenses.us/PA/Washington/cs.php
Washington County Planning Commission
Jason Theakston
- Courthouse Square, 100 W. Beau Street, Suite 701 Washington, PA 15301
- 724-228-6811
- www.washingtoncopa.gov/planning
Washington County Sewage Council
R.C. Cassidy, Operations Administrator
- 70 E. Beau Street, Suite 850 Washington, PA 15301
- 724-223-0504
- 724-223-0508 - Fax
- office@washingtoncountysc.net
- wcsewagecouncil.com
Sewer Enforcement Officers
Heath Glumac
J. Michael Baran
Ray Calvert
AJ – On Lot Services
Jason Dansak & Andrew Grese
*Please contact if financing company requires dye testing for deed transfer.
Zoning Hearing Board
Paula Clark, Chairman
Chris Haney, Vice Chairman
Melissa Lizon, Secretary
Alternate: Wanda Snatchko
Alternate: Adam Switzer
Zoning Officer
Brandy Simonelli
Harshman CE Group
- 2455 Park Avenue Washington, PA 15301
- 724-993-4505
- brandy@HarshmanLLC.com
- www.HarshmanLLC.com
Director of Codes and Zoning
Jarrod D’Amico
Zoning Solicitor
Michael Cruny, Esquire
Sweat Law Offices
- 375 Valley Brook Rd., Suite 112 McMurray, PA 15317
- 724-222-5150
- mcruny@sweatlaw.com
- www.sweatlaw.com
Secondary Office
23 East Beau Street
Washington, PA 15301